A quicker and safer future, underground.
Building and maintaining underground installations in large cities require smart and efficient solutions to issues such as water seepage, surface dampness, sound proofing, thermal cracking, shrinkage and corrosion. Tensile and resilient structures above ground must also withstand other hazards such as ground disruptions and seismic shifts. While subterranean building is a lengthy and costly endeavour, PanU Spraycrete facilitates segmental concrete lining and is designed to quickly set in large volumes. The process becomes not only faster but more streamlined and, more importantly, much safer.
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Shaping Diverse Industry Sectors
As an industry leader in concrete innovation and process technologies, we understand the importance of planting the seeds for a greater national and global impact.
We’re doing this with low-carbon footprint sustainable goals, working towards a circular economy to benefit all. Specific solutions are created at our Innovation Centre – allowing for complicated building designs, compressed timelines, aesthetic challenges and more. Throw us a challenge.

#Temperature control concrete #Mass Concreting #Low heat cement
PanU Cool™ is a temperature-controlled concrete that minimises thermal cracking and improves structural durability. It is ideal for the mass-volume casting of underground MRT tunnels and stations and raft foundations for skyscrapers.

#Underwater concrete #Anti-wash concrete
#Self-protected underwater concrete #Wash-out resistance
Seemingly waterproof, PanU Watercrete® flows and casts underwater naturally, eliminating the need to pump out water to create airspace, saving time and money. It is suited for waterfront and undersea structures such as bridges, dams, columns and pile caps. An iconic PanU Watercrete project is the Helix Bridge in Singapore.

#Passing ability #Enhance productivity
#Viscosity Modifying Admixture or VMA concrete
PanU SCC™ (Self-Compacting Concrete) flows and spreads easily. It fills any irregular void or formwork uniformly. PanU SCC™ escapes the traditional requirement for noise-pollutive mechanical compactors or vibration. Utilised to create the foundation base for Tanjong Pagar Centre, Singapore’s tallest building, this fluid concrete saves greatly on manpower and time and is most suited for building skyscrapers in congested locations.

#Silica Fume Concrete #Low porosity #Low permeability
PanU Dense® concrete has low porosity, excellent durability and high strength. It is suited for underground, marine and ground structures.

#Subbase #Compaction #Load distribution
Our flagship sustainability product, PanU CMC+ is a sustainable concrete that uses innovative CarbonCure technology to make stronger, greener concrete with recycled carbon dioxide. PanU CMC+ is compatible with all exposure classes and mix designs.

#Long-distance concrete pumping #High-rise casting #Tunnel casting
PanU Long Pump® has excellent pumpability – as far as 1.2 kilometres for horizontal concrete casting. It can also go as high as 13 storeys vertically. The fast and consistent concrete casting requires less labour in completing concreting tasks.